Feature Nonprofit tech leader and executive Jay Love outlines 7 trends and lessons to embrace in 2021 Bloomerang CRO and co-founder encourages nonprofits to engage in out-of-the-box thinking to prepare for the…charitableadvisorsNovember 9, 2020
Sponsor Insight Donate Safely This #GivingTuesday Best Practices for Charities and Individual Donors By Cody Lents, Partner and Change Manager at…charitableadvisorsNovember 9, 2020
Sponsor Insight Decision to leave Fed Funds Rate unchanged until 2023 indicates Fed’s accommodating position for economic recovery by Horizon Bank At its September meeting, the Federal Reserve (Fed) left the Fed Funds…charitableadvisorsNovember 2, 2020
Sponsor Insight Successful Mergers and Partnerships: More than the Numbers By Jan Breiner Frazier, Planning Plus, LLC Throughout our 30-plus year history as consultant professionals,…charitableadvisorsOctober 26, 2020
Feature How are Nonprofits Evolving in the Midst of a Pandemic? Four local nonprofits share their strategies for staying on mission — in spite of unprecedented…charitableadvisorsOctober 20, 2020
Sponsor Insight Don’t have a data partner? You need to get one … now by Leslie Wells, Assistant Director of Communications, the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs…charitableadvisorsOctober 5, 2020
Feature COVID-19 forces more than 40 percent of Central Indiana nonprofits to reconsider facility needs, and some to implement new delivery models, according to CA survey by Shari Finnell, editor, Not-for-Profit News After more than seven months of operating under restrictions…charitableadvisorsOctober 5, 2020
Uncategorized IRS Releases Guidance on Executive Action Deferring Payroll Taxes On August 28, the IRS issued guidance that provides some explanation of how employers can…charitableadvisorsSeptember 22, 2020
Sponsor Insight A Commitment to Caring is Critical to the Community’s Bottom Line by Sandy McCarthy, president of retirement services, OneAmerica® The mention of OneAmerica® in central Indiana…charitableadvisorsSeptember 21, 2020
Feature Local Nonprofit Leaders View Social Justice Protests as Catalyst for Real Change by Shari Finnell, editor, Not-for-Profit News This article is the first in a series of…charitableadvisorsSeptember 21, 2020