We invite you to share your thoughts in our short, anonymous survey

Where are we now?

By Bryan Orander, president at Charitable Advisors

Some twenty years ago, demographers predicted a leadership crisis as Boomers retired, leaving fewer Gen X leaders to succeed them. Fortunately, this transition has been less dramatic than initially feared. In many organizations, Boomers have stayed on longer, allowing Millennial leaders a few more years to accumulate experience and become successors.

Our succession planning and executive search efforts focus primarily on ED/CEO roles. However, we’ve noticed that when a CEO retires, there’s often another member of the leadership team also nearing retirement.

A decade ago, my perception was that many nonprofits had deep benches of middle managers with years of experience who could grow into senior leadership roles. In recent searches, we’ve observed that this bench strength is limited beyond the senior leadership team.

Questions: Who will succeed the senior leaders in your organization? 

Shifting Priorities/ Focus on Burnout

After decades of unwavering dedication to clients, patients, or patrons in exchange for marginal compensation, nonprofit staff are reassessing their priorities. Reducing burnout and limiting long hours seems like a good thing, but what does it mean for the sector when capable leaders at all levels start expecting reasonable work schedules and competitive pay and benefits?

Is there less interest in traditional nonprofit leadership roles?

Last week, I listened to an HR podcast in which the speaker noted that fewer young people are interested in the perceived hassles of business leadership roles. While I want to argue that leadership in the nonprofit sector offers the chance to champion a cause rather than just managing people and budgets, are we seeing the same trend in nonprofits?

Question: What are you observing in your own organization?

Please share your thoughts with us through this survey. This survey is anonymous unless you choose to share your contact information at the end. If you would be open to a conversation for a follow-up article, please share your name and e-mail or phone number.

Questions or suggestions, please contact Bryan Orander or 317-752-7153 or Chelsea Ohlemiller 

Take the Next Leaders Survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7RVXB2G

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