Sponsor Insight Dashboard reports improves teams’ ability to analyze results by Mike Staton, chief financial officer, Alerding Data, data, data! Nonprofits and for-profits alike have…charitableadvisorsMarch 21, 2022
Sponsor Insight Achieve better board engagement through training by Jodi Snell, senior consultant, Hedges The most common pain point we’re hearing about from…charitableadvisorsMarch 14, 2022
Feature Now may be the time to pursue student loan forgiveness, higher education Nonprofit INvestED by Shari Finnell, editor/writer, Not-for-profit News With tuition averaging $40,000 for private colleges…charitableadvisorsMarch 14, 2022
Sponsor Insight Nonprofit expo returns in person to connect organizations with students by Leslie Wells, assistant director of communications, Paul H. O'Neill School of Public and Environmental…charitableadvisorsMarch 7, 2022
Sponsor Insight Going All IN: United Way event connects hundreds for day of community service United Way of Central Indiana will host its second Go All IN Day June 24…charitableadvisorsFebruary 28, 2022
Feature Strategic planning enabled food bank to readily expand operations during pandemic Retiring Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana CEO John Elliott reflects on his tenure by Shari…charitableadvisorsFebruary 21, 2022
Sponsor Insight Employee retention tax credit: Refund potential for organizations big and small by Ryan Lauer, author, Barnes Dennig Passed as part of the CARES Act at the…charitableadvisorsFebruary 21, 2022
Feature Nonprofit’s executive director steps down to implement a shared leadership model Earth Charter’s Jim Poyser, Shannon Anderson and Tatjana Rebelle all are directors by Shari Finnell,…charitableadvisorsFebruary 7, 2022
Sponsor Insight Does your ‘consultant’ always know best? by Jan Breiner Frazier, owner, Planning Plus At some point, nonprofit organizations will find the…charitableadvisorsJanuary 31, 2022
Feature Looking back to move forward in 2022 With an unprecedented demand for services, the Urban League and Coburn Place outline plans to…charitableadvisorsJanuary 24, 2022