Sponsor Insight Get inspired to set a vision for your nonprofit by Jan Breiner Frazier, owner/managing member, PlanningPlus The HISTORY Channel has created a series of…charitableadvisorsApril 25, 2022
Feature Nonprofit’s executive director steps down to implement a shared leadership model Earth Charter’s Jim Poyser, Shannon Anderson and Tatjana Rebelle all are directors by Shari Finnell,…charitableadvisorsFebruary 7, 2022
Sponsor Insight Delegation vs. micromanagement: It’s a delicate balance by Jan Frazier, Planning Plus, LLC As much as I hate to admit it, I…charitableadvisorsNovember 8, 2021
Sponsor Insight Executive education: Focus on leadership By Sara Johnson, director of Executive Education, Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs…charitableadvisorsJune 27, 2016
FeatureGovernance Top nine tips for managing junior boards By Cynthia Remec, executive director and founder, BoardAssist Every day BoardAssist is approached by enthusiastic…charitableadvisorsMarch 8, 2016
FeatureGovernance A trending fundraising tool: a junior board By CJ Orr, associate director, Orr Associates | Six years ago, the phrase “junior board”…charitableadvisorsMarch 8, 2016
FeatureGovernance Boarding call for next-gen leaders By Anna Pikovsky Auerbach, Moonridge Group COO, Stanford Social Innovation Review | The millennial generation…charitableadvisorsMarch 8, 2016
FeatureFundraising Lack of money hampers expansion, study finds By Nicole Wallace, senior writer, The Chronicle of Philanthropy Nonprofit organizations that want to spread…charitableadvisorsSeptember 8, 2015