Sponsor Insight Financial planning: How to choose a beneficiary for your retirement accounts by Shannon Blount, VP, senior personal trust officer, Horizon Bank, and David W Voris, CTP…charitableadvisorsMarch 22, 2021
Espanol Colaborador, escucha, aprende y actúa para promover la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión Por Karin Sarratt, Vicepresidenta Ejecutiva de OneAmerica (To read in English, click here) Translated by…charitableadvisorsMarch 15, 2021
Sponsor Insight Make Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) practices easy and secure Save your organization a collective headache with software and hardware that make remote work easier,…charitableadvisorsMarch 15, 2021
Espanol Una iglesia local transforma un vecindario desatendido del Este mediante un plan estratégico de desarrollo económico La Eastern Star Church anuncia el comienzo de la construcción de una instalación de 60,000…charitableadvisorsMarch 15, 2021
Feature Local church transforms neglected Eastside neighborhood through strategic economic development plan Eastern Star Church announces the groundbreaking of a 60,000-square-foot facility — part of Phase II…charitableadvisorsMarch 15, 2021
Sponsor Insight Partner, listen, learn and act to advance diversity, equity and inclusion By Karin Sarratt, executive vice president, OneAmerica (Para leer en español, haga clic aquí) Translated…charitableadvisorsMarch 8, 2021
Espanol Herramientas para agilizar la filantropía en 2021: Prepara las bases para el éxito de la recaudación de fondos (To read in English, click here) Translated by LUNA Language Services Por Angela E. White,…charitableadvisorsMarch 1, 2021
Sponsor Insight Tools to Fast Track Philanthropy in 2021: Set the Stage for Fundraising Success (Para leer en español, haga clic aquí) Translated by LUNA Language Services By Angela E.…charitableadvisorsMarch 1, 2021
Sponsor Insight Developing a shock leadership style that guides your organization during a pandemic by Sara M. Johnson, FACHE Leadership theories have been around for many years and are…charitableadvisorsFebruary 23, 2021
Feature Local university adopts a rural work college model to transform higher education for nontraditional urban students by Shari Finnell, editor/writer, Not for Profit News The profile of students who attend Martin…charitableadvisorsFebruary 23, 2021