FeatureLegislation Two nonprofits face more than $47,000 in fines over L.A. lobbying forms By Emily Alpert Reyes, reporter, Los Angeles Times | Two nonprofits could face fines totaling…charitableadvisorsFebruary 29, 2016
FeatureLegislation Nonprofits can lobby By Center for Nonprofits | Given the many crucial issues facing nonprofit organizations and the…charitableadvisorsFebruary 29, 2016
FeatureLeadership The gap By Christine H. O’Toole, freelance writer, Heinz Endowment | When Patricia Arquette used her Oscar…charitableadvisorsFebruary 23, 2016
FeatureLeadership Gender pay gap hurts women in retirement By Mark Miller, Reuters reporter, Minneapolis Star Tribune | Women who work full-time, year-round, made…charitableadvisorsFebruary 23, 2016
Sponsor Insight Mindfully managing millennials By Jeremy York, HR field representative, Synergy | As an HR professional, managers often ask…charitableadvisorsFebruary 22, 2016
Sponsor Insight Multi-tasking myths and reality By Chip Heberden, president and owner, Netlink, Inc. | The turmoil of a typical workday creates…charitableadvisorsFebruary 15, 2016
FeatureFinanceLeadership Should older CEOs be forced to retire? By Walter Frick, senior associate editor, Harvard Business Review | In October 2000, Jack Welch…charitableadvisorsFebruary 15, 2016
FeatureProgramming Detroit PAL breaks ground youth complex at Old Tiger stadium By Adrienne Roberts, reporter, Detroit Business Daily News | The Detroit Police Athletic League announced…charitableadvisorsFebruary 15, 2016
FeatureLeadership An army of data joined the war on poverty By Andrew Keatts, Kinder Institute for Urban Research for The HuffPost Impact | For all…charitableadvisorsFebruary 15, 2016
Uncategorized New nonprofit job board launch next week The Charitable Advisors team is excited about upgrading its Nonprofit Job Board. The change will…charitableadvisorsFebruary 15, 2016